Exclusive Moose Calling Experience (eng)

Exclusive Moose Calling Experience (eng)

Come with us for a great wildlife experience in the wilderness of Jämtland. We entice wild elks/moose to come show themselves for us, we call for them – and you won’t believe your eyes and ears!

During a short but intense period of time each autumn, the elks/moose are in the heat and want to mate. That’s the time when we are able to be a part of their kingdom and come very close to these big and fascinating animals.

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The sensation of being able to hear a big bull working its way through the forest and then stopping at maybe only a few meteres from where we hide, is a great experience that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.

Weather you are a skilled wildlife photographer or a rookie among nature lovers, the encounter with a wild elk/moose at the distance of only a few metres will activate all your senses. The impressions from your hearing, sight, smell and taste will surely make the adrenaline rush through your veins and your body shiver- we promise!

So how is this done? Well, a guide and a guest (or two) will  take a walk in the area where we know from experience that the elks/moose are gathering during the heat.

We gaze and scout and listen together and the well experienced guide will imitate different sounds that elks/moose often produce. By that he will try to get in touch with elks/moose in that area, since these sounds travel far in the woods.

When the first response from an elk/moose is heard, we stop. To sweeten the deal, it’s not rare that we actually have a conversation with it and this usually makes the curious elk/moose expose itself to us.

Contact us for more information


Exclusive elk/moose calling with guide (included all meals breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and transports).


Western regions of Jämtland.

Time allocation

Full day (05:00-20:00) with optional break at lunchtime.

Your own gear

Proper clothes for current weather conditions


The activity can be sensitive and affected by weather, wind and other unsusceptible factors. We suit the activity to the guests physical ability and demand. This experience can only be booked during the period of 25/9 to 12/10.


1 pax 7900 kr (full day) 05:00-20:00

2 pax 11900 kr (full day) 05:00-20:00

Interested in longer experience, please contact us for more information.

Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.

Femkamp i Åre

Femkamp i Åre

I Åres skogar har vi en femkampsbana anpassad till grupper som vill uppleva en traditionell femkamp i härlig fjällmiljö. Oavsett om ni vill ha en rolig och utmanande teambuildingaktivitet eller en aktivitet till svensexan funkar alltid en välorganiserad femkamp. Vi vandrar efter en stig som slingrar sig mellan granar och tallar där vi längs vår vandring kommer till olika stationer där femkampens grenar genomförs. Vår guide visar pedagogiskt hur de olika grenarna skall utföras och sedan får gästerna i egen takt själva prova på att skjuta pilbåge, blåsrör, luftgevär, slangbella, luftpistol samt kasta yxa eller kniv. Tävlingen kan genomföras antingen i lag eller individuellt. Vi har också en kåta i skogen som lämpar sig väl för en fika eller lunch.

Passar för grupper om: 1-120
Minst antal debiterande:

Tidsåtgång: 1,5-2h

Övrigt: Kombinera gärna med fika/lunch i vår kåta.

Egen utrustning: Klädsel för rådande väderlek.